AppStack – Admin & Dashboard Template [React]
AppStack – Admin & Dashboard Template [React]
5.00/5 (3 reviews)
🎉 AppStack v4 released! Featuring 15+ new pages 🎉
AppStack React Admin & Dashboard Template is a responsive Bootstrap 5 administrator dashboard template built for everyone who wants to create web apps on top of the most popular web frameworks, Bootstrap & React, available for both JavaScript and TypeScript. AppStack React enables swift development of web applications, the creation of SaaS-based interfaces, administrative dashboards, or anything else you want to build on the web. With cross-browser compatibility, advanced documentation, a stylish dark mode, and pre-designed React components, AppStack React ensures a smooth and efficient development process, helping your team move faster and save development costs.
Key features
- 💜 Bootstrap v5.3.3
- 💻 Available for JavaScript & TypeScript
- ✨ 100% React Hooks
- ⚛️ React v18
- 🧭 React Router v6
- ⚡ Vite
- 🧰 500+ UI components
- 📄 75+ Pages
- 🎨 4 Color schemes
- 🌙 Dark mode
- ⚙️ Easy to customize with SCSS variables
- 📥 Regular updates
And much more…
- TypeScript version
- Auth0 auth
- Firebase auth
- Amazon Cognito auth
- JWT auth
- Internationalization (i18next)
- React Helmet Async
- Formik Form Validation
- React Bootstrap
- Redux Toolkit
- ChartJS & ApexCharts
- Multiselect components
- WYSIWYG editors
- Async Loading & Code Splitting for fast loading times
- ESLint & Prettier for a consistent codebase
- Mocking data for simulating real-world scenarios
- Babel & ES6
- Strict Mode support
- Sass source files included
- Free updates
- Fully documented
- Regular updates
Demo pages
AppStack React features over 45+ individual pages featuring various components, giving you the freedom of choosing and combining. All components can take variation in color and styling, that can easily be modified using Sass. The sky is the limit!
- Default dashboard
- Analytics dashboard
- SaaS dashboard
- Social dashboard
- Crypto dashboard
- Sign In page
- Sign Up page
- Reset Password page
- Lock Screen page
- 2FA page
- Profile page
- Settings page
- Clients page
- Projects list page
- Projects detail page
- Products list page
- Products detail page
- Email inbox page
- Email detail page
- Orders page
- File Manager page
- Invoice page
- Pricing page
- Tasks list page
- Tasks kanban page
- Chat page
- 404 page
- 500 page
- Blank page
- Alert components
- Button components
- Card components
- Carousel components
- Embed Video components
- General components
- Grid components
- Modal components
- Notification components
- Offcanvas components
- Placeholder components
- Tab components
- Typography components
- Chart.js charts
- ApexCharts charts
- Form layouts
- Basic form elements
- Advanced form elements
- Input Groups
- Form editors
- Form validation
- Form wizard
- Bootstrap tables
- DataTables
- Feather icons
- Font Awesome icons
- Calendar
- Google Maps
- Vector Maps
📚 Documentation & tooling
We’re using official Bootstrap classes and elements whenever possible so integration with your project will be as smooth as possible. If you’re familiar with Bootstrap, you’ll definitely love this theme! You will be able to change the theme colors and elements using Sass variables.
📞 Free updates & support
All themes include free lifetime updates, including compatibility upgrades whenever Bootstrap pushes an update. Need help? Contact us at
- Free lifetime updates: Each theme comes with regular updates. This means you’ll never pay for any bug-fixes and compatibility upgrades for your theme, period.
- Technical support: We’re here to help with any issues that you find in our product. For more details contact us at
⚛️ HTML version
AppStack is also available for HTML. Go to HTML version ».
🌟 5000+ happy customers
Over the past years we’ve sold over 5000 themes, across various platforms, and learned the best way to develop, maintain and support our themes. Join us!
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High Quality Design
- by Scali
- 5 years ago
From the moment you open the project you can see a lot of thought went into the design and structure. Components are very well encapsulated and work perfectly in unison. Everything is coherent plug & play, no obscure hook-ins anywhere, nothing breaks when you remove and switch up components. The routing implementation is an absolute pleasure to integrate into. Worth every penny!
- Theme Creator
- 5 years ago
Thank you for your kind words! I'm glad you're enjoying the product.
– Paul
Simply amazing
- by Alejandro
- 6 years ago
Seeing the file structure of the code is enough to know that this was a properly cared for and loved project. The react project is easy to understand and modify, and everything is so properly set up that any new additions I'd make would feel like a native extension of the theme versus a simple hack. If you ever need inspiration, the example pages are plentiful and varied, I definitely feel like this will save me hundredths of hours I'd otherwise spend on designing (with a subpar outcome).
- Theme Creator
- 6 years ago
Thank you very much for your kind words!
We're always trying to find the best way to provide well-written and readable code while offering a wide variety of flexible components. Glad you're enjoying it!
– Paul
Totally amazed!
- by Nikita
- 6 years ago
We are totally amazed with a simplicity and the design of AppStack. Nice and clean. Easy to integrate in our React-apps stack. Probably saved us hundreds of hours of development. We are an Enterprise customer and absolutely amazed with the support Bootlab has provided us. Totally recommended to anyone: private or enterprise business, if you count your money and really need "noBS" and beautiful solution. AppStack rocks!
- Theme Creator
- 6 years ago
Thank you for your kind words! We're really glad you're enjoying the product.
– Paul
7 June, 2024
- Fixed: Broken 2FA pages
- Fixed: Broken Lock Screen pages
17 May, 2024
- Added: Landing page (/landing)
- Added: Email Inbox page (/email/inbox)
- Added: Email Details page (/email/details)
- Added: Products page (/ecommerce/products)
- Added: Product Details page (/ecommerce/product-details)
- Added: Orders page (/ecommerce/orders)
- Added: File Manager page (/file-manager)
- Added: Task List page (/tasks/list)
- Added: Sign In Cover page (/auth-cover/sign-in)
- Added: Sign Up Cover page (/auth-cover/sign-up)
- Added: Reset Password Cover page (/auth-cover/reset-password)
- Added: Lock Screen page (/auth/lock-screen)
- Added: Lock Screen Cover page (/auth-cover/lock-screen)
- Added: 2FA page (/auth/2fa)
- Added: 2FA Cover page (/auth-cover/2fa)
- Improved: Various visual changes
- Improved: Sidebar structure
- Improved: Consolidated dark & light stylesheets into one stylesheet
- Replaced: Feather Icons with Lucide Icons
- Updated: Vite 5.2.11
- Updated: React 18.3.1
- Updated: Bootstrap 5.3.3
- Updated: Dependencies to latest versions
8 June, 2023
- Added: Social buttons to auth pages
- Improved: Various visual changes
- Updated: Vite 4.3.9
- Updated: Bootstrap 5.3.0
- Updated: Dependencies to latest versions
10 March, 2023
- Improved: Faster code compilation
- Improved: Faster development server
- Improved: Output bundle size
- Added: Page loaders
- Migrated: Create React App to Vite
- Migrated: Jvectormap to Jsvectormap
- Fixed: Firebase auth issues
- Fixed: Chat layout issues
- Updated: Bootstrap 5.2.3
- Updated: React 18.2.0
- Updated: Chart.js 4.2.1
- Updated: FullCalendar 6.1.4
- Updated: Dependencies to latest versions
30 April, 2022
- Added: TypeScript version
- Fixed: Firebase auth issues
- Updated: Bootstrap 5.1.3
- Updated: Dependencies to latest versions
7 October, 2021
- Added: Table pagination (/advanced-tables/pagination)
- Added: Table column sorting (/advanced-tables/column-sorting)
- Added: Table column filters (/advanced-tables/column-filtering)
- Added: Table row expanding (/advanced-tables/row-expanding)
- Added: Table row selection (/advanced-tables/row-selection)
- Removed: react-bootstrap-table-2
- Migrated: Node Sass to Dart Sass
- Updated: Quill 2.0.0-beta.4
- Updated: Bootstrap 5.1.2
- Updated: Dependencies to latest versions
3 October, 2021
- Fix: CSS output files
- Updated: Dependencies to latest versions
27 September, 2021
- Added: Dark mode support
- Added: Theme builder
- Added: Compact sidebar variant
- Added: Right sidebar variant
- Added: Formik examples (/form-plugins/formik)
- Added: Offcanvas examples (/ui/offcanvas)
- Added: Firebase authentication
- Added: Cognito authentication
- Added: Auth0 authentication
- Added: JWT authentication
- Added: Prettier
- Added: ESLint
- Added: Web Vitals
- Added: Internationalization (i18next)
- Added: React Helmet Async
- Added: Redux Toolkit
- Added: Notyf notifications
- Added: Yup validation
- Added: Multiple documentation pages
- Migrated: All components to React Hooks
- Removed: Redux Toastr
- Removed: Smart Wizard
- Updated: Bootstrap 5.1.1
- Updated: React v17
- Updated: React Router DOM v6
- Updated: Dependencies to latest versions
30 September, 2020
- Added FAQ to landing page
- Improved landing page design
- Improved documentation
- Small visual changes
- Upgraded to Bootstrap 4.5.2
- Upgraded SmartWizard to 5.1.1
- Upgraded various dependencies to LTS version
21 July, 2020
- Fixed dropdown alignment on mobile
- Upgraded to Bootstrap 4.5.0
- Upgraded to FullCalendar 5
- Upgraded various dependencies to LTS version
6 December, 2019
- Added Chat page (/pages/chat)
- Added Carousel component (/ui/carousel)
- Added Embed component (/ui/embed-video)
- Updated sidebar structure
- Swapped ‘Nunito Sans’ font with ‘Nunito’
- Sticky footer by default
- Small visual changes
- Upgraded to Bootstrap 4.4.1
- Upgraded various dependencies to LTS version
10 August, 2019
- Added projects page (/pages/projects)
- Added introduction page (/docs/introduction)
- Added changelog page (/docs/changelog)
- Added installation page (/docs/installation)
- Renamed kanban page to tasks (/pages/tasks)
- Fixes issues with router in IE11
- Fixes issues with card height in IE11
- Small visual changes
- Upgraded various dependencies to LTS version
4 June, 2019
- Improved Google Fonts loading time
- Fixed inconsistent sidebar labels
- Added wizard component (/forms/wizard)
- Added private route example
- Added catch-all route
- Upgraded various dependencies to LTS version
3 April, 2019
- Fixed issues with Autoprefixer
- Upgraded various dependencies to LTS version
16 March, 2019
- Added two new themes (corporate and modern)
- Added settings sidebar
- Added landing page
- Added clients page (/pages/clients)
- Restructured sass files
- Upgraded to Bootstrap 4.3.1
- Upgraded various dependencies to LTS version
License Options
Full details →5.00/5 (3 reviews)
- Reviewed by the Bootstrap team
- 6 months technical support
- 100% money back guarantee
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