The Guide
This guide will help you get started with a Bootstrap Theme, including how to run, customize, update, and integrate your theme!
Run your theme
file, unpacked it, and you’re ready to start building! To view your theme, you’ll need to run your theme’s "build process" to compile source files and create a local server to preview pages.
Setting up local development
We allow each theme creator to select their own tooling and commands since each theme has different needs, so always to refer to your theme’s documentation for the actual commands and installation instructions.That said, the basic process of setting up local development is roughly the same in every theme:
- Install a theme’s dependencies from your command line via npm. (i.e.
npm install
) - Run a "watch" or "build" command powered by Gulp, Grunt, or Webpack build tools. (i.e.
npm start
) - Open your browser to your local server’s address (i.e. open Chrome to
) - Edit source files and preview changes instantly with live reload
If the list above sounds like a foreign language to you, that’s okay! Let’s break it down:
stands for node package manager. Npm is a tool to automate the process of installing and upgrading packages of code required to properly run your theme locally – that’s why they’re called dependencies! If you don’t have Node installed (which now contains npm), you’ll need to download and install it.- Gulp, Grunt, and Webpack (build tools) are JavaScript libraries used to compile a theme’s source files and create a local server. Each library has different syntax and capabilities and it’s up to each author which library they prefer to use. They all achieve the same result end result: allow us to compile source files and view those changes immediately in a browser.
- A local server is a temporary server environment on your computer generated by your theme’s build tool. This avoids browser limitations of serving files directly from your computer’s filesystem (i.e. CORS limitations).
- Live reload is a convenience functionality that many themes will include as part of their build tooling. It simply means that when you edit source files, after they are recompiled, your browser will magically refresh and display the changes without a manual refresh.
What are source, compiled and static files?
These terms are can mean different things in different contexts, but for the purposes of a Bootstrap Theme:
- Source files are files that are meant to be processed by a theme’s build tools.
- Compiled files are generated as a result of running a compiling process (also called a "build process") on the source files.
- Static files are ones that aren’t processed or generated.
Here are a few real world examples of each type of file:
- SCSS files are always source files because they must be compiled by your theme’s build tool to generate a CSS file that a browser can understand.
- HTML files with any non-standard syntax are source files. Some themes make use of libraries to create "includes" for elements shared across multiple pages. These includes must be compiled by your theme’s build tool to generate standard HTML.
- The output of both the above examples are compiled files. The CSS files are generated by processing the source SCSS. The HTML files are generated by processing the pseudo-HTML source. Both were generated from source files and will be overwritten if source is compiled again.
- Fonts, images, and standard HTML are static files. These don’t require any processing to be used and aren’t generated from any other source. That said, some themes may process images to optimize their size, in which case they would then be source files. Get it?
The build process visualized
Here’s what the whole build process looks like at a high level starting from source files and ending with a rendered theme page in your browser!
How do I know which files are source, compiled or static?
Since each theme is organized slightly differently, there’s no single answer, but it’s usually not too tough to sort it out.
First, the documentation of your theme may have a breakdown of the theme’s directories with clear explanations of each.
Second, source files are commonly in folders named src/
or app/
, while compiled files are often found in /dist
, public/
, or build/
If neither of the above are helpful, you can always pop open your theme’s build tooling code and review the functions/tasks where source files are processed. Even if you’re not familiar with Gulp, Grunt, or Webpack syntax, you can usually tell what’s happening at a high level. Just look for the file paths of what’s being processed and where it’s outputting. The inputs are source files and the outputs are compiled files.
As always, if things aren’t clear to you, we encourage you to reach out to the theme creator for clarification!
Customize your theme
Now that you’ve got your theme running and understand the compiling process, let’s discuss the proper ways to edit and customize your theme. There are two primary strategies for working with your theme.
Strategy 1: Working with source files
Working with source files showcases how powerful Bootstrap themes can be and the underlying design systems. It allows you to use powerful features like SCSS variables to change a theme’s entire color scheme or type system by swapping a few variable values. If you’re comfortable with using build tools and are familiar with SCSS syntax, this is probably the way to go 😉
While you can edit a theme’s source files directly, we suggest adding additional SCSS or JS files to extend and override the theme’s source files with your own custom ones. The major benefit of keeping a theme’s source files separate from your own additions is a simpler upgrade path when your theme is updated. This is discussed further in the Updating your theme section of this guide.
Using SCSS source files as an example, a simplified "top level" SCSS file might look something like this:
// Import your custom SCSS variables
// (Can contain custom variables, theme variable overrides, and Bootstrap core variable overrides)
@import 'custom-variables.scss';
// Import your theme's SCSS variables
// (Typically both custom variables and ones that override Bootstrap core variables)
@import 'theme/variables.scss';
// Import the Bootstrap core
// (This file imports all Bootstrap core's variables and components from the Bootstrap core package installed via npm)
@import '../../../node_modules/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss';
// Import your theme's core SCSS
// (This file would import a bunch of component SCSS files)
@import 'theme/theme.scss';
// Import your custom components/styles
// (This file could import separate files or be a single SCSS file)
@import 'custom.scss';
Each theme will have its own setup for SCSS imports, so you’ll have to follow the documentation and review the organization, but the above illustrates the correct overall approach to customizing your theme by working with source files.
& custom-vars.scss
& user-vars.scss
...or something similar.Strategy 2: Working with compiled files
Working with the compiled files generated from running your theme’s build tools is the simplest, fastest way to get started with a theme. Simply attach the compiled CSS and JS files to an HTML page, or use an HTML page already provided in your theme. No build tools or local servers necessary.
If you’ve ever worked with Bootstrap by simply "attaching the CSS and JS", this is the same idea.
For similar reasons outlined above in "Strategy 1: Working with source files", you’ll want to add additional CSS/JS files instead of editing your theme’s CSS/JS files to make updating your theme easier in the future. Simply create a new CSS/JS file and link it after the theme’s compiled CSS/JS in your HTML pages.
Deciding on a strategy
Now that we’ve outlined the two strategies of editing a theme, let’s discuss when it makes sense to use each. It comes down to customization and control.
If you want to deeply customize a theme’s design with large, systemic style changes, you’ll want to edit source files and compile them. You can achieve the same degree of customization with additional CSS and JS to supplement the compiled files, but for large changes, the source files will provide greater power, flexibility, consistency, and efficiency.
If you want to control how files are being processed, which source files are being included, or want to use a framework’s build process (Rails Asset Pipeline, Laravel Mix, etc.), you’ll need to use source files and compile them.
Let’s consider a few examples and our suggested strategy for each:
- "I need to ship a site for my company/app and just want it to look great and work well". Use the compiled CSS and JS. It’s easier to get started, easy to deploy, and if you need to customize a handful of things, you can add some extra CSS after the compiled CSS to overwrite or extend it. Easy peasy. Should you ever need to make more significant changes, you can reevaluate and start using the source files without much overhead.
- "I want to heavily customize the theme’s design to match my product’s brand and use it as a design system for my new company". Use the source files. Themes were built for this! Richer customization like systemically changing color schemes or changing type styles benefit greatly from using a theme’s SCSS variables. Instead of overriding colors and type settings across dozens of components and pages, you can replace a single variable’s value and watch that propagate throughout the entire theme instantly.
- "I need to customize just a few things to start and maybe a little in the future. " This one could go either way. We’d encourage you to ask yourself if the "few things" feel like systemic design changes, meaning do they effect a multitude of components and pages. For example, changing a color scheme effects most components, so you’ll want to use the SCSS color variables in the theme’s source, compile, then use the resulting CSS to get started. If the changes are less pervasive, like changing the height of the nav or the spacing between elements, you should be just fine using the compiled files and including some additional CSS/JS overrides to make adjustments.
Update your theme
When a theme is updated, you will be notified by the Bootstrap Themes platform with a link to download the latest version. Depending on how you decided to customize your theme and how extensive your customization is, there are different strategies for updating.
Updating compiled vs. source
It’s always smart to start by reviewing the changelog for the update. This is the best way to get a high level snapshot of the changes to inform your update strategy.
If you’re working with the compiled files, your update should begin with replacing the old compiled CSS and JS with the newer versions. Continue by reviewing to see if there are any changes to HTML structure or the classes used in the CSS or JS that you need to account for. If you run into issues, using a diff tool to review changes between the previous and latest versions of a file can help pinpoint the change causing issues.
If you’re working with source files, your update process really depends on how you customized your theme. If you added additional SCSS and JS files to override the source ones, then your update is similar to updating with compiled files. More or less you can "replace the old source with the new" followed by spot checks in components and pages that are explicitly noted as updated in the changelog. If you directly edited the theme’s source files, you’re in a bit of a tougher situation and will have to "cherry pick" the changes you made to reintegrate them with the updated files. A diffing tool is your best friend here. If you run into this debacle, we suggest also investing in extracting all your custom SCSS and JS into their own files to avoid this in the future.
We’re working to make upgrades easier by starting to enforce more detailed changelogs and encouraging "migration guides" for larger scale updates. For now, if you’re really struggling with an update, don’t hesitate to reach out to the theme’s creator for support or questions about the process.
Integrate with frameworks
One of the most common questions our support and sellers receive is "does your theme work with Rails? React? Laravel? Angular? Django? Vue? WordPress?"
The short answer to all of these is ✨YES!✨
The longer answer is yes, but there are varying degrees of work depending on how you want to integrate a theme (compiled vs. source) and which framework you’re integrating with.
Integrating compiled vs. source
As discussed above, there are two primary ways of customizing a Bootstrap Theme. Integrating a theme into your preferred framework poses the same choice between working with compiled or source files, and essentially the same tradeoffs of customization and control described above. That said, there is an additional consideration when working in the context of a framework:
If you want to work with source files, do you want to use a framework-specific solution to compile instead of the provided tooling? Some frameworks include tools intended to accomplish the same tasks as your theme’s provided build tools, including compiling source files. For example, Rails has the Asset Pipeline and Laravel has Mix. Both these can handle compiling SCSS → CSS and concatenating JS files. There can be added features and benefits of using a framework’s solution for these tasks, but also consider that there can also be unexpected complexities by taking over the build process (i.e. requiring transpiling of ES6 JS to ES5 for maximum browser support). If you’re well versed in your framework’s preferred tooling and can match the necessary steps of your theme’s build tools, go for it! If you're uncertain, we suggest starting with compiled files so you can ignore the added complexity of source files and build files (Gulp, Grunt, Webpack).
Compatibility issues with JS frameworks
Frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue have a preferred way of handling JS, especially with regards to manipulating the DOM and handling events. This means a theme’s JS, custom components and 3rd party plugins, likely won’t work out of the box. You have a few techniques to resolve this:
- Replace vanilla JS or jQuery plugins with framework specific alternatives
- Hand-translate small bits of custom JS to your framework’s preferred methods
- Remove any JS or plugins you don’t intend on using anyway to minimize the workload
Do you provide integration support?
Bootstrap Themes doesn’t officially support integrating themes into 3rd party frameworks. There are quite a few reasons for this, but the primary one is that expecting every Bootstrap Theme creator to be an experienced professional in upwards of a 10+ popular frameworks across a host of different languages isn’t reasonable. Theme creators should be focused on designing and building flexible and beautiful component-centric themes.
That said, most theme creators have been asked "how to integrate their theme into framework X" 100’s of times, so it doesn’t hurt to ask since they may have helpful advice in addition to this guide and their documentation.
What about Bootstrap Themes with the [React] tag?
While the vast majority of Bootstrap Themes are primarily simple HTML/CSS/JS, some themes have been adapted into full-fledged React themes. They are built from custom React components. Most React themes make use of the unaffiliated React Bootstrap library for Bootstrap’s core components.
More and more themes are being translated to true React themes over time, so if you find a theme you love that doesn’t have a React version yet, it could be worth contracting the seller to see if they’re planning on releasing one.
Framework integration guides
- Rails
- React
- Laravel
- Angular
- Django
- Vue